The persecuted Jesus
Autor: Rosca Sabina  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de sabina.rosca in 14/12/2008
16.11.08 - The international day of prayer for the persecuted church

What name is this

that men, women and children

lay down their lives for!?

What have they seen in Him!?!

What way had He revealed

Himself to them

that He is so compelling,

so full of wonder

and so true?

What power drives them

to the death row,

that beckons them,

they willingly and smiling go!

What kind of name is this

that when they speak out loud

with courage and in trust

they are enchained

and put in prisons,

and when they’re trodden down and tortured

they sing His glorious Name!!!

What splendour crowns this name!?!

that drives fear out of their hearts

defies the persecutors’ hate

yet love their souls!?!

What majesty’s around this name

that they cannot but spread with cost of life!?!

yet with our very eyes have failed to see

and have an image far too dim and faded

of this celestial king!?!

This name we grow up with

this very One is so life-changing

but is the least esteemed.

That way He has revealed to them

that thirst and long for Him,

but we just get familiar with

and take for granted

what’s blood paid.

That power is for everyone who wants it,

It’s fuel for every step in furnace

and in front of sword.

This kind of name we barely speak of

we hide ourselves,

don’t want to be embarrassed of,

and stay silent when people talk about.

That splendour is around His name

but we are just too slack to crave for,

too blind, too burdened in our sins,

too weak to see Him.

That majesty’s around this name

but we don’t even know of.

He waits for us to share it,

to taste of Him and pass it on.

This name is all that Father God

has given us to bring us life,

to make us new

by the blood of His cross

and by the faith in Him

to come to be like Him.

To live for Him and die for Him.

They leave their life

to die into their faith.

We leave our faith

to die out of our life.

This is the Man that called them

to the altar

This is the Man that called us

to give our lives for Him.

This is the persecuted Jesus Christ.
Jesus suffers in thousands of bodies around the world.
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